PES2017 Editor 1.2 Beta by Devil Cold52
PES 2017 Editor 1.2 Beta by Devil Cold52 Released
This is the fix for the buag on last update.
-English Language mistakes fixed.
-When you transfer a player to a new team -it is automatically deleted from old team.
-Team name not changing fixed.
-Transfering in the same team is not possible anymore.
-Searching Player is fixed
What is New
-Global Adjustments
-First letter up
-Upper Letter Words
-Weak Foot, Form edit.
-Boot edit (Boots.bin)
-Pes Stats Database import.
-Next Gen editor 2016 import.
-New Search Option.
-Player Commentary Change(compatible: English Commentary Update By predator002)
-Team Commentary Change(compatible: English Commentary Update By predator002)
-Export all Players.
-All players of the team export.
-Create Face folder into players.
-Create Face folder of the Team players.
-Export Teams into csv file.
-Export players into csv file.
Global Functions:
-Global Adjustments
-First letter up
-Upper Letter Words
-Others stats.
-Count of players.
-Count of Teams.
-Edit DLC version and exe version.
Stadiums and Leagues
-Stadium Name,ID change And Count Of Stadıums.
-League Name, Ball and ID change.
-Home Stadium change
-Home Stadium Name for Team
-Home Stadium options edit
-Player Numbers
-Game Plan
-Team export/import
-Player boot
-Appearance (limited)
-Skin color (fixed)
P.S. When You change language a tool restarts automatically, so choose it before editing otherwise you can lost your editings.
Special Thanks: TeKo, Fatih Kuyucak,Mustafa U.,Smeagol75,Rasuna,Onur Yilmaz,Tunabrain4cc,NPOI Team

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