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Update MOD V4 (9.4) for GALAXY PATCH 2.00 by kilay

Update MOD V4 (9.4) for GALAXY PATCH 2.00  by kilay 

To do:
- Remove all fake players
- fix AFC structure and replace fake double Japanese team
- Replace fake player in J-League,Other South American and Other Asia.
- Add number to other sudamerican and other asia kit (in progress)
I think to remove from all player the COM style Trickster ,Speeding Bullet and Mazing Run that totally false the movement of the player (try with MSN remove all these three style and make Messi SS , then play versus barca you should see the difference of playing style) see here for further explanation.

Pesgalaxy_balls.cpk are replaced by my new pack

EDIT UPDATED TO 22/01 to fix some weird double colored face and with tactics updated for Premier League, Serie A and Serie B (plus other major club)

For users with old Facepack ( Facepack Check in Previous Mod )
to work correctly download all the 4 packs, THEN delete from download folder (x:\.....\Pro Evolution Soccer 2017\download) the old facepacks

Ewwe's Patch 2017 Facepack.cpk
Face Sila 2.cpk
copy the new facepacks in the download folder
Facepack Sila.cpk
Facepack Sila 2.cpk
Face mod-kilay-Galaxy.cpk

Copy the contents of the two folder in their respective path (download in C:\..\Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 and KONAMI in Documents)
Make a backup of documenti\Konami\Pro Evolution Soccer 2017\ in case online ruin my edit you can easily fix it.
For facepack if you want all the faces you need all the packs under FACEPACK sections. 
For G-Style Kits see near the download link for info.
Make your settings with dpfilelistgenerator (forgot the Pes Galaxy Selector) and launch the game from STEAM shortcut (or from PES2017.exe), but not from the Galaxy Shortcut (forgot it)

For Online game I didn't make custom DLC so use the default Galaxy version

kilay, Sila, dave74, Papinho81, Royce, G-Style,Ronnie_10, predator002, Kruptsev, -cRoNoS-,

Special thanks
A special thnks obliviously to creator of Galaxy Patch 2.0 .
Volun, Borusse 92, Hajnal30 and all the other pesgalaxy staff 
feel free to use my job for yours next update
to joker5, albylecce94, A.Moussolini, heromaximo, Ricardo and Hawke of EvoWeb without them I couldn't know a lot of things :)
to Erzo77 for sharing his kitpack on googledrive (really useful and open to all)
to -cRoNoS- for balls pack.
and to Smeagol&Starvin75 creator of Dino tools

2 komentar:

  1. Replies
    1. check new update (include ballpack update 10) :


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