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PES2017. PES Professionals Patch V3 AIO

PES Professionals Patch V3 AIO

New Feature V3
Add “Total CAF CHAMPIONS LEAGUE” Competition
Automatic Scoreboard Switcher
Assign competitions stadiums ( ex : Copa Del Rey final ==> Vicente Calderon , FA CUP final ==> Wembley , etc .... )
Update and improve Friends Arena & Millennium stadiums ( High Quality )
Add competitions banners to created stadiums
Add high quality turfs
Add latest WENS Bootspack
Add high quality balls pack & gloves pack
And more

Elmodamer, Hosamalfars, Sameh Momen, Pantel G7, Estarlen Silva, Hawke, Txak, Tunizizou, JesusHrs, Nemanja, Tamer gaad, Mo-Ha, Mauri, MarioMilan, vangheljs, cRoNoSHaCk, Znovik_S, Kairzhanov_21, MRI20, Wygno, Mohamed ElaRaby, Abdullah El-dbawy, Aly M. Elshaarawy, Abdallah El Ghamry, Kanat, G-blues, DzGeNiO, Tun Makers, Boulbaba Facemaker, Cronos, Mahmoud Ibrahim Fcb, Karioky facemaker, WENS, Chiheb27 Facemaker,  Mostafa Rezk

Big Thanks To : Shrief Elafify, Mohamed Tarek Shawky, Mohamed Alahlawy, Shieka, Juce

Very Important Note:

You must run Sider.exe file 'attachment with Albach' as ​​an administrator before running the game.
1 - After loading Albach Remove the pressure through the program WinRAR
2 - Install the patch over PES Professionals Patch file V3.exe 2017
3 - Choose the place where a game
4 - Install Ficus
5 - Run Sulaictor and press Offline Mode

sometimes because of the pressure on the severity of the sites are disrupted servers for a few minutes and go back to work after a short period.

If you want to install extras , make sure you choose No DLC

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